Präsentation der FishBase-App auf dem Symposium in Tervuren
The FishBase Team of the Royal Museum for Central Africa in Tervuren, Belgium, headed by Prof. Jos Snoeks, hosted the annual FishBase-SeaLifeBase Symposium for the [...]
The FishBase Team of the Royal Museum for Central Africa in Tervuren, Belgium, headed by Prof. Jos Snoeks, hosted the annual FishBase-SeaLifeBase Symposium for the [...]
Fridays for Future und eine Vielzahl von Organisationen, darunter Mundus maris, laden Euch ein, Euch den weltweiten Demonstrationen für die Abkehr von fossilen Brennstoffen und den [...]
Blue Fear – navigating ecological, social and existential anxieties during the Anthropocene - Amsterdam, 27-30 June 2023
This webinar on 26 May 2023 in the series of monthly events of the V2V research platform uncovered the contributions and impacts of small-scale fisheries [...]
Die Geoethik, die vor etwa zehn Jahren von Silvia Peppoloni und Giuseppe Di Capua, Geologen aus Rom, eingeführt wurde, war zu Beginn eher eine bescheidene [...]
The terms ‘vulnerability’ and ‘viability’ are usually studied in the context of socio-cultural and political-economic settings. In these cases, they would refer to vulnerability from [...]
Als 2015 Gasfunde in Höhe von 425 Milliarden Kubikmetern in den gemeinsamen Küstengebieten von Mauretanien und Senegal bestätigt wurden, weckte dies Hoffnungen, wie etwa die [...]
This talk by Foluke Omotayo Areola provided an overview of the major challenges to the sustainability of small-scale fisheries and their governance in Nigeria. It [...]
This talk by Andrea M. Collins of the University of Waterloo in Canada provided a high-level overview of the various tools and perspectives for undertaking [...]
This talk dwells upon different research paradigms such as Hypothesis-oriented, Assessment-oriented, Action-oriented, Systems-oriented, Social adaptive (similar to V2V) frameworks. The motivation behind this talk is [...]
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