Mundus maris Concert 2024 in Belgium: Oceanic Echoes
On May 21, 2024, in honour of UNESCO Day and World Ocean Day (June 8, 2024), Mundus maris asbl presented the "Oceanic Echoes" concert, performed by [...]
On May 21, 2024, in honour of UNESCO Day and World Ocean Day (June 8, 2024), Mundus maris asbl presented the "Oceanic Echoes" concert, performed by [...]
The International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS) is an independent judicial body established by the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of [...]
Over the last 50+ years, the International Ocean Institute (IOI) has been conducting training and capacity building in Ocean Governance with the aim of creating knowledgeable [...]
Beating earlier records, the 'love your ocean' platform to promote the seven principles of the UN Ocean Decade was present with more than 60 partners [...]
Am 27. Oktober besuchte die Fischereibiologin Cornelia E. Nauen auf Einladung die Universität Leiden (LU), um im Rahmen der 7. Fachkonferenz Environmental Humanities, LU, einen [...]
Maria del Carmen Patricia Morales vertritt Mundus maris asbl im belgischen Ozean-Dekade-Komitee. Der Ausschuss, der wissenschaftliche Beratung leistet, traf sich zu seiner letzten Sitzung des [...]
Marine protected areas (MPAs) rightly attract more attention as international biodiversity agreements see them as major instruments to stop mass species extinctions and recover ocean [...]
This was a great day for climate protection. On 15 September, 250,000 people turned out in 250 cities and towns in Germany alone demanding Climate [...]
Fridays for Future und eine Vielzahl von Organisationen, darunter Mundus maris, laden Euch ein, Euch den weltweiten Demonstrationen für die Abkehr von fossilen Brennstoffen und den [...]
Excellent opportunity to join a lecture of acclaimed author and long-time friend, Daniel Pauly, at the Naturalis Biodiversity Center in Leiden, Netherlands, on 2 September 2023. [...]
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