World Fisheries Day, 21 November 2023
World Fisheries Day is celebrated every year on 21 November around the globe. This year's motto focused on social sustainability and working conditions in the [...]
World Fisheries Day is celebrated every year on 21 November around the globe. This year's motto focused on social sustainability and working conditions in the [...]
Der neue nigerianische Präsident hat als eine der ersten Innovationen für die soziale und wirtschaftliche Entwicklung Nigerias ein Ministerium für Maritime und Blaue Wirtschaft geschaffen. [...]
The FishBase Team of the Royal Museum for Central Africa in Tervuren, Belgium, headed by Prof. Jos Snoeks, hosted the annual FishBase-SeaLifeBase Symposium for the [...]
Blue Fear – navigating ecological, social and existential anxieties during the Anthropocene - Amsterdam, 27-30 June 2023
This webinar on 26 May 2023 in the series of monthly events of the V2V research platform uncovered the contributions and impacts of small-scale fisheries [...]
Die Geoethik, die vor etwa zehn Jahren von Silvia Peppoloni und Giuseppe Di Capua, Geologen aus Rom, eingeführt wurde, war zu Beginn eher eine bescheidene [...]
Als 2015 Gasfunde in Höhe von 425 Milliarden Kubikmetern in den gemeinsamen Küstengebieten von Mauretanien und Senegal bestätigt wurden, weckte dies Hoffnungen, wie etwa die [...]
This talk by Foluke Omotayo Areola provided an overview of the major challenges to the sustainability of small-scale fisheries and their governance in Nigeria. It [...]
This talk by Andrea M. Collins of the University of Waterloo in Canada provided a high-level overview of the various tools and perspectives for undertaking [...]
This talk dwells upon different research paradigms such as Hypothesis-oriented, Assessment-oriented, Action-oriented, Systems-oriented, Social adaptive (similar to V2V) frameworks. The motivation behind this talk is [...]
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