Save baby fish or Point ’n‘ kill?
by Kun Cleo Zhang, photos by Wulong Zhang When I first came to Europe, I found it is different how European people purchase and eat [...]
by Kun Cleo Zhang, photos by Wulong Zhang When I first came to Europe, I found it is different how European people purchase and eat [...]
Lasst die Jugendlichen Eltern werden! Mairi Maniopoulou, Hellenic Zentrum für Meeresforschung, Frau Maria Damanaki, Mitglied der Europäischen Kommission und zuständig für maritime Angelegenheiten und Fischerei, hat [...]
The continuation of the campaign between July and October 2013 – Hann, Kayar and Saint Louis Summary by Aliou Sall The fishmongers operating at landing [...]
by Aliou Sall The fish goes where people can pay for it. Well-to-do people in Dakar enjoy the freshly landed fish in urban markets in [...]
This was the motto of an invited diner talk at the French-speaking Cercle Europa meeting in the heart of Brussels once a month and engaging [...]
What are the major threats to our oceans? Why should we be bothered, when we do not live next to the coast? A few examples [...]
Werden wir in Zukunft noch in der Lage sein, Schwertfisch, Thunfisch, leckere Zackenbarsche, Tintenfische und einheimische Muscheln und Austern aus unserer näheren Umgebung zu essen, [...]
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