A concert for peace and the ocean, Louvain, Belgium
A concert for peace and the ocean, Louvain, Belgium Organised by Patricia Morales of Mundus maris, the concert took place in the beautiful setting of the [...]
A concert for peace and the ocean, Louvain, Belgium Organised by Patricia Morales of Mundus maris, the concert took place in the beautiful setting of the [...]
La conférence des Nations unies sur l'océan de 2025 (UNOC3) se tiendra en juin 2025 à Nice, en France. Le Costa Rica et la France [...]
Fish Party and Mundus maris have several years of cooperation under their belt in the effort to address the challenges to people active in the fisheries [...]
À l'invitation du comité d'organisation de la FAO, Cornelia E Nauen de Mundus maris a assisté au deuxième Sommet de la SSF qui s’est tenu [...]
C’est dans le cadre des préparatifs du prochain sommet mondial de la pêche artisanale, que sont organisées des réunions régionales par la plateforme de recherche [...]
On June 8th, the World Ocean Day Virtual Seminar titled "Catalyzing Action for Our Ocean and Climate" was held out of Lagos, Nigeria, bringing together experts [...]
The 2024 edition of World Ocean Day was celebrated by the 19 football training schools in the municipality of Hann Bel Air. These schools are organized [...]
Collaboration around World Ocean Day with Mundus maris has become already something of a tradition with the Kawabata Yasunari School in Hann, Senegal. The Director, Mr. [...]
La fermeture d'urgence de la pêche au cabillaud en mer Baltique en 2019 fut le triste point culminant de la mauvaise gestion des pêcheries de [...]
On May 21, 2024, in honour of UNESCO Day and World Ocean Day (June 8, 2024), Mundus maris asbl a présenté le concert « Oceanic Echoes [...]
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Copyright© 2023 Mundus Maris - Sciences et Arts pour la Durabilité - Initiative internationale - Brussels, Belgium - Project by e-mind Italy