Illuminating the Hidden Harvest – a snapshot
FAO’s webinar on 23rd November 2021 provided a snapshot of major outcomes of an in-depth study ‘Illuminating the hidden harvest – the contribution of small-scale [...]
FAO’s webinar on 23rd November 2021 provided a snapshot of major outcomes of an in-depth study ‘Illuminating the hidden harvest – the contribution of small-scale [...]
The Director General of FAO, QU Dongyu, opened the International Year of Artisanal Fisheries and Aquaculture (IYAFA 2022) in a virtual event organised by the [...]
Nous avons tenu à partager ce film que nous avons bien eu du plaisir à co–sponsoriser le 16 mars 2018 auprès de Mundo B à [...]
In collaboration with ULB-Coopération, Aliou Sall of Mundus maris offered a free course, 15 March 2018, to the Master students of Prof Nathalie Gypens striving to [...]
'Cry Sea' is a documentary by Cafi Mohamud and Luca Cusani about the way Senegalese fishermen are loosing their livelihoods as a result of overfishing, particularly [...]
Regards croisés des peuples de la mer et des réalisateurs Jacques Chérel, Secrétaire du festival du film « Pêcheurs du monde » introduisit l'édition 2016 qui [...]
Isabella Lövin, 2012. Silent Seas – The Fish Race to the Bottom. Paragon Publishing, 244 p. Swedish original 2007. Tyst hav – Jakten på den [...]
Sarah Keene Meltzoff, 2013. Listening to Sea Lions. Currents of Change From Galapagos to Patagonia. Altamira Press, 271 p. By any account, this is an unusual [...]
Tonnare indietro nel tempo Storia, folclore e costume si intrecciano in un ordito sacro e selvaggio, festoso e sanguinario Gaetano Basile Dario Flaccovio Editore, 2012, [...]
Daniel Pauly, 2010. 5 Easy Pieces. The Impact of Fisheries on Marine Ecosystems. Washington, Covelo, London, Island Press, 193 p. This book narrates the stories behind [...]
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