Save baby fish or Point ‘n’ kill?
by Kun Cleo Zhang, photos by Wulong Zhang When I first came to Europe, I found it is different how European people purchase and eat [...]
by Kun Cleo Zhang, photos by Wulong Zhang When I first came to Europe, I found it is different how European people purchase and eat [...]
Lasciamo i minori diventare genitori Mairi Maniopoulou, Hellenic Centre for Marine Research, La responsabile degli Affari marittimi e della pesca della Commissione europea, Maria Damanaki, [...]
The continuation of the campaign between July and October 2013 – Hann, Kayar and Saint Louis Summary by Aliou Sall The fishmongers operating at landing [...]
di Aliou Sall Il pesce va dove la gente lo può pagare. Le persone benestanti di Dakar apprezzano il pesce appena sbarcato nei mercati urbani [...]
Questo era il motto di una conferenza su invito al Cercle Europa francofono che si incontra una volta al mese nel cuore di Bruxelles occupandosi [...]
What are the major threats to our oceans? Why should we be bothered, when we do not live next to the coast? A few examples [...]
Will we still be able to eat swordfish, tuna loins, tasty grouper, octopus and native mussels and oysters from near home or will we eat [...]
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