Centro de Educación Infantil y Primaria – CEIP – Principe De Asturias, Telde, Grand Canaria, Spain, joins the globe to celebrate the 2023 World Ocean Day with support from Mundus maris on the 19th of July 2023. The event marked the first time that Mundus maris Science and Arts for Sustainability asbl features her activities in the Canary Islands in Spain.

The mission of Mundus maris resonates with CEIP. It is to provide scientific and relevant indigenous knowledge and encourage artistic expression about the sea to promote its restoration, conservation, and sustainable use, to further the study, understanding and respect of aquatic ecosystems and associated biological and cultural diversity.

The event held at CEIP, involved the class five pupils of the school who showcased their various independent artistic work and craft on the ocean addressing the United Nation WOD 2023 theme: “Planet Ocean: Tides are Changing”.
Dr. T. F. Igejongbo (AWARD Fellow; ULPGC) delivered the event lecture titled: “The need to protect the Ocean”.

Professor F.O. Agbebi (AWARD Mentor) was the Jury who without bias selected the best 1st, 2nd, and 3rd out of over forty (40) superlative artistic exhibition pieces of the pupils.
The Principal of the school, Mariam Godoy, in her goodwill remark stated that the Mundus maris World Ocean Day event will be a continuous event in the island and that the school will take a lead in the spreading the yearly event in the Canary Islands.
The event was coordinated by Wita Felipe (AICLE) a staff of the school and Dr. Adeleke Mosunmola Lydia, Senior Lecturer in the Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture Technology, The Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria, and a Fellow of the 2023 Mujeres Por Africa Fellowship attached to (PLOCAN) Spain, she also represents Mundus maris.

Gratitude and great acknowledgement to PLOCAN for the enormous commitment and providing the winners’ prizes and gifts to all participants at the event.
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